5. How to Know which Items Need Expiration Dates

Larry Lubarsky
Larry Lubarsky
  • Updated

2D Workflow will let you know if any of your items require an expiration date by Amazon during the working shipment workflow. 


When entering box content, the software will not let you pack an item if it needs a date but you haven't entered one. Here's what that looks like:

1. From inside a working shipment, click the Printer icon next to an item to open up that item's workflow.

Printer Icon Working Shipment # 2.png



2. If the item requires an expiration date, you'll see a disclaimer saying "Amazon requires an expiration date for this product! Please enter a date." as pictured below.

You will not be able to press the Next button and go to the Box Configuration page unless you enter a date. 

Expiration Date Disclaimer.png

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