8. How to Change Quantities and Remove Items from My Shipment

Larry Lubarsky
Larry Lubarsky
  • Updated


I. How to change an item's quantity

From inside a shipment, click on the Qty column next to any item to change its quantity. 

Quantity Field.png

Important: Amazon only allows changes of up to 5% or 6 units (whichever is more) per SKU.


II. How to delete a product from your shipment

To completely remove an item from your shipment, simply click on the red X next to the item.

Delete Item Icon.png

Important: Once a SKU is fully removed from your shipment, you will not be able to add it back into that shipment. 


III. Using the "Remove Unprepped Items" Button

In addition to removing items and adjusting quantities one-by-one, as described above, we created this feature to allow you to adjust your final quantities in one go at the end of your shipment. 

By pressing the 'Remove Unprepped Items' button just before completing your shipment, you'll update your shipment's final unit count to more closely reflect the number of units you've actually packed.

This means that any item with with 0 units packed will be automatically removed from your shipment. For other items with some unprepped units, their quantities will be adjusted downwards by 5% or 6 units (whichever is greater), aligning them more in line with your final packed quantities. 

Remove Unprepped Items LTL,SPD.png

Important: You should only use the "Remove Unprepped Items" button when you are done prepping all of the items in your shipment and just before completing it and buying shipping. 


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