4. How to Change the Minimum Allowable Expiration Date

Larry Lubarsky
Larry Lubarsky
  • Updated

2D Workflow lets you set a minimum number of days that a product must have left before it expires in order for it to be accepted by the software.

For example, if set to 180 days, any product that has less than this many days remaining before it expires will be rejected by the software.

To change your minimum allowable expiration days for a product, please follow these steps:

1. Click your profile icon and select Settings.

Settings 2D Workflow.png



2. Edit the field under the Minimum Expiration Days section to reflect the number of days you'd like to set as your limit. 

Minimum Expiration Days improved.png

Note: By default, 2D Workflow will set your minimum expirations days limit to 90 days. If you are entering an expiration date and the item expires in less time than your set limit, you will receive an error message, and 2D Workflow won't let you place that item into the shipment.

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