3. How to Change the Format of my Expiration Dates

Larry Lubarsky
Larry Lubarsky
  • Updated

2D Workflow lets you set a preferred format for entering expiration dates into the software. You can choose to enter dates in either the MM-DD-YYYY or DD-MM-YYYY formats.

Please note that 2DWF will always submit the date to Amazon in the correct format that they require based on the marketplace. This setting simply lets you select your preference of how you would like to enter expiration dates into the system.

To change the entry format, follow the steps below:

1. Click your profile icon and select Settings.

Settings 2DWorkflow drop-down.png


2. Select your preferred format under the Expiration Date Entry section.  

Expiration Date Entry Settings improved.png

Note: 2D Workflow will also set the default preference based on your marketplace location. Example: MM/DD in the US and DD/MM in Europe.

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