1. How to Properly Add Expiration Dates

Larry Lubarsky
Larry Lubarsky
  • Updated
For products that have an expiration date, Amazon requires you to share that information with them. There are three ways to add expiration dates to your box content: 
  • From inside a working shipment while you're packing your boxes. 
  • By uploading a file that contains the dates for all the items in your shipment.
  • Or, if you create your shipments by file upload, you can add the dates then.

Below, we'll take a look at all three methods.

Important: The main thing to know about expiration dates is that you need to add them to your boxes. Having them on your item labels is not enough because that is not what Amazon looks at.

When receiving your shipment, Amazon scans the 2D barcode on the box, and that is how they know the dates and contents of your shipment. You need to make sure you are adding the dates to your actual boxes and not just onto your item labels.


I. Adding Dates While Packing Your Boxes

1. From inside a working shipment, select your desired item and click the Printer icon.



2. Enter the Expiration Date for your item.



3. Print item labels (if you need them), and then click on Next.


4. Here is where you enter your box configurations, but you can also confirm that the expiration date you entered from the previous step carried over.



5. Click on Print Box Labels.



6. After printing your labels, you will see your finished boxes in the Box Content Menu on the right side of the screen. Notice that they have expiration dates next to them. 

This is how you know that your expiration dates are properly embedded into the 2D barcode box label. 



II. Adding Dates In A Shipment By File Upload

1. In order to upload files into your working shipments, you must first enable this feature by clicking on your profile image and then going into the Settings menu.



2. Enable the Upload Expiration Dates and/or Locations in Bulk feature.



3. With the feature enabled, click the Upload in Bulk Icon from inside a working shipment.



4. Click the Download Template option.



5. In the template, enter the SKUs of the products you want to update, as well as their corresponding expiration date.



6. Click +File to upload your file. Once a file is selected, it will start loading.



7. After it loads, click Upload.



8. Once uploaded, your SKUs and their corresponding expiration dates will appear.



9. Now, when you click on the Printer icon to prep a product, you will notice that the Expiration Date is already pre-filled, and you do not have to enter it manually. 


III. Adding Dates When Creating A New Shipment By File Upload


1. From the Inventory page, click on the Upload icon, and then download the template.



2. In the template, enter the SKUs and quantities for the shipment you are creating. Additionally, add your expiration dates next to each corresponding item.


3. Once you've filled out the template and saved the file to your computer, return to the Inventory page and click on Upload Shipment File.



4. Select the file from your computer and click the Upload button.



5. After successfully uploading your file, you will see the items and quantities that you selected.



6. Click the Create Draft Shipment button, and follow through with the process of creating the shipment the same way you normally would.



7. Now, inside your Working Shipment, whenever you click on the Printer icon to prep a product, you will notice that the Expiration Date is already pre-filled, and you do not have to enter manually.


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