16. Creating Multi-SKU Boxes

Larry Lubarsky
Larry Lubarsky
  • Updated

1. Inside a working shipment, click the Multi SKU Box button on the top right-hand side of the screen to open the Multi-SKU Workflow. 



2. Click the Search icon to select which items to add to your Multi-BKU box, or if using a handheld scanner, simply scan any product in your shipment to add it to your box.



3. Enter the quantities for each item by filling out the Units field. If using a scanner, each scan of a product will add a unit to the box.



4. If your products have expiration dates, don't forget to add them to the Expires column. 




5. Once your multi-SKU box is full, click the Close Box and Print Box Label button. 



6. Once a Multi-SKU box is created, you'll see it in your Box Content menu.


Tip!: If you are making multiple boxes with the same configuration of items, you can make copies of boxes. Simply select the number of copies you want to create and click Close Box and Print Box Labels.




Tip!: After creating a Multi-SKU box, you are returned to the main shipment workflow. If you want to create another Multi-SKU box, simply click the Multi-SKU button again.

However, there is an option for 2D Workflow to automatically open the next Multi-SKU box for you to work on as soon as you complete and close the first one.

This setting is called Keep Multi-SKU Workflow Open After Box Creation and can be enabled in the Setting menu.





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