12. Bonus Tip # 1: 3-in-1 Box Labels For Oversized Items

Larry Lubarsky
Larry Lubarsky
  • Updated


Occasionally, you may want to ship a product to Amazon without packing it into an outer box. These scenarios are especially common when dealing with oversized items such as large cases of liquids or big box items like TVs. Products like these are usually shipped to Amazon in the original box they come in and do not need to be packed into a larger box. 

Items like this require both an FNSKU item label because it’s an item and an FBA box label because it’s also a box. It is for this reason that the 3-in-1 Box Label was born!

Now, instead of labeling these types of items twice, you can print one label that has everything you need. The 3-in-1 Box Label contains the item label, the box label, and the 2D barcode giving you everything you need in one sticker!


To create 3-in-1 Box Labels:

1. Right-click any item in your shipment, and click the 3-in-1 Box Label option. 


2. Enter the number of boxes, which in this case would also be equal to the number of units.



3. Enter an expiration date if your product has one. 


4. Click the Print 3-in-1 Box Labels button.



5. Next, click the Print button in the system dialog to get your labels. 



Tip!: There is a feature in the Settings menu that allows you to blank out and exclude your Ship From address on the FBA box label. This action is to prevent the customer from seeing your personal information on the box label.

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